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What to expect from  our  GSP pups
Here at Davalos GSP's we take pride in our German Shorthaired pointers. We devote ourselves to provide our future buyers with the happiest and healthiest puppy for their Life long adventure. We commit ourselves 110% in the upbringing of our litters with hard work and sleepless nights. 

Our litters will come with :

First shot, Docked tail, Dewclaw removal,  Dewormed and 72 hour health  guarantee.


What they need


German Shorthaired Pointers are high-energy dogs. At least an hour of intensive exercise each day is recommended. Without sufficient exercise, your GSP may become nervous and destructive.

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Below there's more contact information. Also, there is  a  youtube video (Dogs 101) in reference towards more knowledge about the GSP.

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 Grooming is a wonderful bonding technique for you and your GSP. Their strong fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper  to avoid overgrowth, splitting and cracking. Their long beautiful floppy ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris which can result in an infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly.​ German Shorthaired Pointer's only need occasional baths. Use oatmeal shampoo or shampoo that is meant for shorthaired dogs when bathing. Frequent  or daily bathing may result in itchy skin.  
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